Direct Deposit Calculation Method

Direct Deposit Calculation Method

When entering multiple bank accounts for an employee's direct deposit - please reference the calculation methods below:

Entire/Remainder = Full amount if only one account is active OR the leftover of any amount after you put aside a % or $ amount in another account. 

Flat $ Amount = Flat amount you'd like taken from the account.  **If you choose this option, be sure to add a second account to capture the Entire/Remainder amount, otherwise you will receive a live check for the remaining balance. 

% of Gross Earnings or % of Net Pay = Allows you to enter a % you'd like to deposit based on Gross or Net Pay.  **If you choose this option, be sure to add a second account to capture the Entire/Remainder amount, otherwise you will receive a live check for the remaining balance. 

% of Remaining Net = Allows you to take a % of the amount after other calculations are in place. 

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