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Approving HR/Payroll Forms
Instructions on approving employee forms to get them added to the employee's record You will see the forms with the status "employee completed" You can click on the pencil next to these forms to approve them Withholding Forms: Once in the form you ...
How do I access my employee's W2s? Use the Instructions below or view the video above for details on viewing Employee W-2 Forms. 1. Click into the menu on the upper left of your home screen. 2. Type W2 in the search box 3. Click on ...
How do I find my W2?
From your log in dashboard, hover on the My Payroll Info button. Scroll down to My W2s You can also access it from the Main Menu. My Info Type W2 in the search box OR navigate to 1. My HR > 2. Forms > 3. Government Forms > 4. W2 (see below) 5. Click ...
Accruals: Adjusting Updated to Date
The "Up-To-Date" error message when processing accruals means that the system does not know the date when you want accruals to start processing. This error will occur if the employee was rehired or there was a change to the accruals status/profile. ...
Adding An Off Cycle Payroll
From home screen: 1. Team 2. Payroll 3. Process Payroll 4. Add New 5. Choose the payroll type: Supplemental 6. Add New You will see your Supplemental payroll added to your payroll list. Please follow normal payroll processing instructions **Please ...