Authenticator App Set-Up for Two Factor Authentication

Authenticator App Set-Up for Two Factor Authentication

  1. If you don't already have an Authenticator App on your phone, navigate to your app store, search Google Authenticator, and download the app.
  2. Login to your iComp/UKG account
  3. Select Authenticator App when prompted for Two-Factor Authentication Preference
  4. Select Next

  5. The next screen gives you the information you will need to enter on the authentication app:

  6. In the authenticator app, there will be an option to add a new account. Either scan the QR Code or enter the Setup/Secure Key from the screen like above. You can enter "Account" as whatever you want the code to display as, for Ex: XYZ Payroll/HR Account. Click Add.

  7. Take the code it gives you for the account you just created in your authenticator app and enter that in the UKG app or login website under Verification Code.
    You can check the box to not prompt for this code within the next "X" amount of time. The amount of time will vary depending on your security level.
    Select Login

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